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პროფესიული დაავადებები
redlineთარიღი: ხუთშაბათი, 14.05.2009, 21:58 | შეტყობინება # 1
ჯგუფი: Администраторы
შეტყობინებები: 1214
ჯილდოები: 13
რეპუტაცია: 102
სტატუსი: Offline
Профессиональные болезни: Учебник

Авторы: Артамонова В.Г., Мухин Н.А.
Издание: М.: Медицина, 2004, 4-е изд., перераб. и доп.
Страниц: 480
Серия: Учебная литература для студентов медицинских вузов
ISBN: 5225047890
Формат: djvu - 4,68 Мб


redlineთარიღი: ხუთშაბათი, 14.05.2009, 21:59 | შეტყობინება # 2
ჯგუფი: Администраторы
შეტყობინებები: 1214
ჯილდოები: 13
რეპუტაცია: 102
სტატუსი: Offline
Patty's Toxicology, 5th Edition

Издательство: Wiley-Interscience
Год издания: 2001
Страниц: 2674
Формат: pdf
Качество: OCR
Размер: 15 МБ
Volume 1 of Patty's Toxicology, 9th Edition Mini-Set present chapters on the basic principles of toxicology as well as chapters on dusts: silica, asbestos, talc, ceramic fibers, fiber glass, wood dust and biologicals as well as a chapter on where to find new information on these subjects (information searching on the internet). Contributors of note in this volume include Richard Lemen, Eula Bingham, Charles H. Powell, James Merchant and John Dement. The information on these subjects has been greatly expanded and updated from the previous edition. The asbestos chapter discusses the effects of the presence of tremolite on the toxic aspects of asbestos for the first time. Another chapters in this volume discusses regulations and guidelines in the workplace.

Volume 8 presents, for the first time in Patty's, the toxicology of physical agents as well as information from the most recent NOHS study by NIOSH (National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health) showing the populations at risk in various SIC codes (industries) from chemicals. The toxicology of the physical agents is presented by well known professionals in the field of medicine and industrial hygiene. These include: Thomas Adams on heat stress, Harry Mahar (he is responsible for the health and safety of researchers on Antarctica) on cold stress, Maurice Bitran and William Murray on infrared, visible and ultraviolet radiation, David Sliney (former chair of ACGIH TLV physical agents committee) on lasers, Don Wasserman on occupational vibration, Amit Bhattacharya on occupational ergonomics, Allene Scott and Joseph LaDou on biological rhythms, and Per Nylen on chemical and physical agent interaction. Also new in this volume is the chapter on populations at risk by David Pederson and Vern Rose. This chapter provides detailed information on the potential number of workers who are exposed to chemicals in the various SIC codes by small, medium and large sized employers. Also notable in this volume are chapters on smoke and combustion products by Barbara Levin and carbon black by Robert McCunny. Although exposure limits of chemicals are provided throughout the volumes, in Volume 8, TLV's, REL's and PEL's are listed alphabetically for many of the chemicals discussed in the other volumes making Volume 8 an ideal companion to Volume 1.


redlineთარიღი: პარასკევი, 15.05.2009, 17:29 | შეტყობინება # 3
ჯგუფი: Администраторы
შეტყობინებები: 1214
ჯილდოები: 13
რეპუტაცია: 102
სტატუსი: Offline
ზოგადი და ლოკალური ვირბაციით გამოწვეული ვიბრაციული დაავადების და პნევმოკონიოზების კლასიფიკაციის დამტკიცების შესახებ

დააჭირეთ ქვემოთ

მიმაგრება: 0304038.doc (361.0 Kb)
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